Older news!!!

Second half year 2003

More info on the new year eve party
Start at 19.00 
Entrée drink: Olles Intruder (at least two glasses/person. Not too strong in water)
The children get their own drink.
Two glasses of wine for the food. (White or red. Rosé by mixing yourself).
Lemonade for the children and adults that prefer to take it easy.
The food will comprise both meat and fish courses.
Coffee with a whiskey.
New year bubble drink.
The night meal will be Toras temptation. (like Jansons but better)
Rent of the place, table decorations, disposal table cloth and glasses etc are included in the price.
Music will be from CD player. (Leif has burnt some  goodies from the 60-ies. Please bring your own favourites)
The price will be about 100-120kr/person. It is free for children and adults over 67 years old. 
Everyone bring their own auxiliary drinks. 

Sign up not later than 19.00 on Tuesday 30 December.

New year eve party
A party on New year eve is being planned. The idea is to be in the Vicar's place.  Good food and drink mat and dancing before midnight with champagne. The party will be on self cost basis. Sign up for participation at the shop. More info will come as planning progress. Sign up as soon as possible to facilitate planning and preparation. 

Contact LeifEriksson, 070-2690125, or OlleNygren, 070-6636706, if you like to participate in the preparations.

Christmas luncheon
See pictures from the christmas luncheon on 13 December at the Vicar's place.
Lucia celebration
See pictures from the Lucia celebration at the School. 
03-12-11 ev
Power failure
The second power failure in short time on Holmön occurred during the evening. The power stopped at about 10 pm and returned at about 1 am.
03-12-11 mo
Marked winter track
Form VK today:

Holmön får vinterväg

Det blir en vinterväg till Holmön. Det kommer enligt vad VK erfar regeringen att besluta i dag, torsdag.
Länsstyrelsen får uppdraget att staka ut och hålla vinterväg den tid på året Holmön inte går att trafikera med färja.

Regeringen ger uppdraget efter att länsstyrelsen i Västerbotten riktat en fråga om hur vägfrågan skall lösas.
Vintertrafiken till och från Holmön har de senaste åren stötts och blötts sedan Vägverket beslutade att man inte anser den är deras sak. Detta eftersom man ansett att vintervägen egentligen är en skoterled.
Frågan får nu alltså en tillfällig lösning och länsstyrelsen får uppdraget att staka ut vintervägen 2004 och 2005.
En förutsättning för en vinterväg är dock att det blir is, och enligt näringsdepartementet brukar isen komma till Trettonhelgen.

03-12-06 15.15
The ferry tries
The ferry will make an attempt to run the afternoon tour.
03-12-06 10.30
Ferry cancelled
The morning tour with the ferry has been cancelled due to hard weather.
Power cable repair 
In VF on Friday one can read that the power cable to Holmön is being repaired. About 2 km of teh cable close to Holmön is being changed. [Readmore in VF (in Swe)]
Ferry cancelled
The afternoon tour today with the ferry is cancelled due to hard weather. 
New day for info about corporate business 

Corporate business – is that something for  Holmön?

If you missed Håkan Björks presentation regarding corporate business at  HUF:s annual meeting in September there is a new opportunity in Umeå.

On Wednesday  5 November (not 9 Nov)   at 19.00 Håkan Björk, developer of corporate business, give his presentation in CB Supports premises at Thulegatan 4 

HUF:s board through Lena Egnell

Extra tour with the ferry
Tomorrow at noon, the ferry will depart for Norrfjärden due to a joint fire exercise with Sävar fire department. The ferry will return to Holmön in due time for the afternoon tour at 15.40. 
Ferry to Norrfj
Tomorrow at 9.15, the ferry will depart for Norrfjärden in an extra tour. Additional service will be made during the day. The ferry will return to Holmön in due time for ordinary departure time of the afternoon tour from Holmön at 15.40. 
03-10-27 14.30
Ferry cancelled
Today's afternoon tour with the ferry is cancelled due to hard weather. 
03-10-27 00.25
Info about corporate business 

Corporate business – is that something for  Holmön?

If you missed Håkan Björks presentation regarding corporate business at  HUF:s annual meeting in September there is a new opportunity in Umeå.

On Wednesday  9 November at 19.00 Håkan Björk, developer of corporate business, give his presentation in CB Supports premises at Thulegatan 4 

HUF:s board through Lena Egnell

Note that there are some official documents to read (all PDF-files in Swe).
Vägverkets yttrande till Näringsdepartementet
Näringsdepartementetsremiss ang Vägverkets yttrande
Förslag till Länsstyrelsensremissyttrande över Vägverkets skrivelse 
Förslag till Kommunensremissyttrande över Vägverkets skrivelse
HUF:s remissyttrande över Vägverkets skrivelse
SkärgårdarnasRiksförbunds remissyttrande   över Vägverkets skrivelse
Glesbygdsverketsremissyttrande   över Vägverkets skrivelse.
I has been a wave of burglary in Norrfjärden the night between Thursday and Friday. More that 15 garages have been broken up. Anyone who has had unwanted visits is urged to report the burglary to the Police. 
Letters to the Ministry of Industry
The Ministry of Industry has sent the Road Boards letter regarding an ice track to Holmön for consideration. Länsstyrelsen, Kommunen and HUF will all send answers on the request. The letters will be published on the web as soon as they are official. 
Ferry back
On Wednesday evening 15 October the ferry returned to Holmön from the shipyard. On Thursday morning 16 October the first tour with the returing ferry departed. 
Elk hunbting ends
The elk hunting week is now ended.  
To night there will be the annual elk party at Hamnkrogen and on Sunday 12 October the elk hunting begins. 
Computer problem
Stora Lanthandeln has computer problems and can currently not receive any e-mail.
New day for Ring
A new attempt for the extra transport tour with the ferry Ring will be made on Tuesday 30 September. 
The ferry is cancelled!
The extra tour with Ring is postponed!
The afternoon tour with the ferry today Tuesday is cancelled due to the hard weather. The wind is up to 22 m/s at the most.

The transport tour with Ring has been postponed due to the weather. Contact Staffan Lindkvist, tel 070-6969238, for further information.

New function on Holmöportalen
Now there is a section on Holmöportalen called Holmö market. This is the place for advertisements under the headlines Buy, Sell, Swap, Gift and Others. The purpose is that it should be ads for things on Holmön. Send your text for the ad to  webmaster@holmon.com
HUF holds its annual meeting on 20 September at 12.00 at the school. The meeting begins with information regarding the shop.
Pictures from the workday
See pictures fromthe workday in Byviken (text in Swe). Most of the work was carried out this day. Only some minor work remains to restore the ground and remedies from the fire. Another workday is therefore planned to 4 October. Everyone who is available is welcome to help.
On Sunday 14 September there is a referendum regarding the change of currency to the Euro. The voting station is at Holmöns skola and is open 12.00-14.30. The voting station in Sävar Skola (canteen) is open 8.00-20.00. 
Ferry to shipyard
Today the ferry departs to Docksta shipyard for maintenance. Vidar III will operate from this afternoon and the coming 5 weeks that is the time expected for the work. There will be limited transport capacity during this time. 
Do not forget the working day in Byviken on 6 September at 10.00. More information at the shop. 
The maintenance plan for Holmöns conservation reserve is currently being revised.  Anders Enetjärn leads an excursion to Ängesön and the reserve. Start from the school at 11.00  [Read more (in Swe) ].
New business hours at the shop
Stora Lanthandeln has cahnged to winter time from 18  August. The following business hour apply:

Monday - Thursday and Saturday 10-14
Friday 10-14 and 18-19
Sunday 12-13

Call from the working group regarding the shop

We must all help to find a solution!!

We need tips/advice/help

Holmöns Utvecklingsforum (HUF) has made a working group with aim to investigate the possibilities there are to secure the service and supply of food stuff. The group comprise of Gunnar Bäckström, Bengt Bäckström, Erling Jacobsson and Elise Tegström.

Do you have any ideas on how to solve the future service on Holmön, please contact Gunnar Bäckström 090-55084 eller Bengt på 090 55012 alt 136285, Erling 55082 alt 120848, Elise 55043.

Gunnar Bäckström

Work day in Byviken
The beach at the east side of Byviken needs to be refreshed. The result can be seen from a sketch at the shop. Volunteers are needed for this work and HUF arranges a common work day. 

Please come to Byviken on Saturday 6 September at 10.00. Bring suitable equipment e g chainsaw, axe, shovel etc. More info via Gunnar Bäckström, 090 55084. 

Stora Lanthandeln closes down
Staffan and Tora have in a letter to the customers informed that it is both practical and economical impossible to run the shop in present form with the current communications and consequently the low number of customers during winter time. They will therefore close down the shop this autumn. [Readtheir letter (in swe) ]. 

HUF has made a working group (Gunnar Bäckström, Elise Tegström, Bengt Bäckström och Erling Jacobsson) that will contact the authorities and others and try to find constructive solutions to secure the supply of food stuff, petrol, pharmacy and post on Holmön.

Do you have any thoughts, questions or ideas please contact Staffan, Tora or the working group.

Excavation at Öskärskyrkogården 
Now will an archaeological excavation at  Öskärskyrkogården on Holmön take place. It is  Västerbottens museum that will try to find out which was the function of this ancient monument. The excavation starts next week.  [Readmore (in sve) ]
IT network
HUF:s IT-group arranges a meeting regarding the coming-up possibility to join a high speed IT network.  It's close now!!! 
Come to an information meeting 15 July at 19.00 at the School.  

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This page was updated: 2004-02-10