Older news!!!

Second half year 2002

Today at 9.00 a helicopter from Piteå came to fly passangers, mail and goods between Holmön and the mainland. The helicopter will also come on 2 January, both in the moring and afternoon. Booking can be done though Peter Tornberg, tel 070-690 8163.
Ferry cancelled for the time being
Today, the ferry made an attempt to break up a new track to  Norrfjärden. Out to Lillhälla and through the double ice wall it took anout 1 h. Thereafter they followed an open water channel to SW for 15 min before they had to turn north towards Pannan. The ice ouside of Pannan was thick and the ferry did not have strength enough to force that ice and had to turn back.  

Ultra is investigating other possible means of communication. 

Ferry cancelled
The ferry this afternoon is cancelled due to had weather.
Ferry cancelled
The ferry this afternoon is cancelled due to had weather.
Christmas luncheon
See pictures from the traditional Christmasluncheon arranged by Holmön Red Cross for the aid colection "Children of the World".
Lucia celebration
See pictures from the traditional Lucia celebration at the school.
Christmas lunch 
Reminder about the coming Christma luncheon on Saturday 14 December. Last day to sign up is 9/12 on the list at the shop. Price 130 kr for adults, children free. 
Ice report has started
The ice report for this winter season has begun today.
The ferry in operation again
Although rough sea, the ferry morning tour operated without any problems. It only took a little longer time than normal.
Ferry cancelled Wednesday afternoon
The hard wind continues and the ferry tour this afternoon has been cancelled. More info regarding tomorrow will come tomorrow morning. 
Ferry cancelled this morning
The hard wind continues and the ferry tour this morning is cancelled. More info regarding the afternoon tour will come during the day.
Ferry cancelled today
The ferry tour this afternoon has been cancelled due to hard weather.  
Read the minutes (in Swedish) from the Forum meeting at 9 november.
Wrecked car campain
The wrecked car campain announces that no cars will be collected this autumn as planned. The administrative work has taken too long time. The cars will be collected in the coming spring. Hämtning kommer att ske till våren. Further indformation will be given after the winter. 
Reminder of Forum meeting
Tomorrow at 14.30 there will be a Forum meeting at the school with information about HUF activities. After the meeting there will be a party for all villagers starting at  17.30.
Low artesian water level
UMEVA announces:

Low artesian water level on Holmön 

Due to the dry summer it is very low levels of artesian water in the whole country. The artesian water levels have continued to decrease the past month and in some areas in the Västerbotten County there is an extremly low level. It is therefore a shortage of water. 

In UMEVA's smaller installations, we have very low levels of water. The water level on Holmön is about 60% under the normal level. We therefore urge everyone with community water supply to be as restrictive as possible in your use of water. 

We will be back with more information as soon as there is any change in the situation.

If you have any questions, please contact UMEVA Marknad, 
tel: 090-16 14 85

Umeå Vatten and Avfall AB

Transport agreement will be given notice
The working committee of local authorityrecommends to give notice to terminate the running agreement on economical contribution for the transports of goods and mail to Holmön. The reason is said to be that this should be solved by other means. Any suggestion, however, has not been presented so far.
Moose hunting report
The moose (or elk) hunting was very successful this season. More than 20 adult animals were shot and many hunters got the chance to kill a moose.
Forum meeting
Book the 9 November in your agenda.
HUF arranges a Forum meeting to inform about the latest events and what is coming up.  After the meeting that begins at 13.30, there will be a party for everyone.  More information will come shortly. 
Election on Holmön
Since the ferry has been cancelled today, the election day, the election officials had to be transportet with boat from the mainland in order to carry out the election as planned. 
The ferry cancelled
The ferry today Sunday morning has been cancelled due to low water level in the sea. 
Late summer report
The weather this summer has been something extra ordinary. Webmaster has not been able to resist the warm sun and has, without remorse, abandoned the artificial light from the computer monitor, which explains the passive web. 

The Holmö Day attracted some people although this was one of the few summer days with less good weather. 

The song festival (Visfestivalen) was a successful attraction with lots of visitors in the audience. The chaos from last year never occured. Many visitors had learned the lesson and brought tents and stayed the whole weekend instead of queueing at the ferry for hours. 

During August, the summer continued in full power.  Many were them who had used up all vacation days and looked, in envy from the ferry, on the ones in shorts having a cold beer on the new porch at Hamnkrogen. 

In August, we also had a less pleasant experience. A bush fire at Bergudden almost got overhand. It was in the last minute the firebrigade together with about 40 volunteers managed to get the fire under control. 

Early Summer Report
The Mid-summer celebration at Holmögården was arranged as planned although rainy weather.  

Postrodden started as planned but had to be called off after a few hours due to hard wind. 

Although dull weather on Friday morning, this years Sea Jazz became a successful arrangement with many people in the audience, especially on Saturday.

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This page was updated: 2003-02-19