First half year 2013 in revers order |
Info from the shop Voluntary work Read more at the shop webpage (in Swe). 14-06-29 |
Postrodden cancelled This year mail rowing (postrodd) is cancelled due to hard wind, particularly on teh Finnish side. The decision was taken by the skipper meeting this morning just before the planned start time.
SeaJazz Saturday 5 July 15.00 – 16.15 Musikskolans Fusionband 16.30 – 18.00 Renhornen Both conserts at Holmögården. Refreshments. Sunday 6 July 13.00 – 14.30 Jonas Knutsson, Lena Willemark och Mats Öberg Holmö church Read more at SeaJazz website (in Swe)
Info from Holmö Summer theater Read more at Holmö summer theaters website
New website Now there is a new website for Holmöns future
Info from Holmö Summer theater Read more at Holmö summer theaters website
Capella See pictures from Capellas renovation at Färjerederiets website 14-06-13 |
Automobile inspection Bilprovningen will come to Holmön on August 20. Only one day and no follow-up controls. [Read more] 14-06-13 |
Info from UmEva UmEva will carry out maintenance work at the water plant on Holmön during week 25. There ca be short stop in the water supply. [Read more (in Swe)] 14-06-13 |
Info from the shop Business hours this summer. Read more at the shop webpage (in Swe). 14-05-27 |
Postroddsföreningen informs Sign up for this year rowing. Read more at Postroddsföreningen website 14-05-30 |
Escarvation work along the road to Norrfjärden Eltel is putting down a pipe for fiber cable between Sävar and Norrfjärden. When the work comes in to the Norrfjärden road there can be limited passability and temporarilly limited parking space in Norrfjärden. 14-05-30 |
Work days at Holmögården Outdoor work at Holmögården 29, 30, 31 May between 11.00 and 14.00. Luncheon with customary soup and coffee. 14-05-28 |
Info from the shop Business hours week 22 and 23 and also new ad for shop manager. Read more at the shop webpage (in Swe). 14-05-27 |
Traffic resumed Kungsholm will depart from Norrfjärden today Tuesday at 06.00.
Only one tour today Today Monday, there will only be the previously announced tour from Norrfjärden at 9.00 and from Holmön at 10.00. All other tours today are cancelled.
Trafikverket informs Tomorrow Monday, there will be a morning tour from Norrfjärden at 9.00 and then from Holmön at 10.00. Possible afternoon tours will be announced later.
Traffic stopped again Kungsholm had to turn back and all tours today are cancelled.
Traffic resumed Kungsholm will depart from Norrfjärden at 10.00.
Morningtours cancelled Today Sunday, the morning tours with Kungsholm are cancelled due to hard wind.
Goods tours cancelled Today Tuesday, afternoon tour at 16.30 from Holmön and at 17.30 from Norrfjärden are cancelled due to hard wind. Friday 23/5 - Sunday 25/5 all tours are cancelled. Back in traffic on Monday 26/5.
Panget this summer This summer the west coast couple, Conny och Ulrika, will lease and run Panget. Conny Sandgren has worked as cook for 25 år and has worked in and ran places like Panget on the west coast. The plan is to open at Midsummer and have the same business hours as earlier summers.
Sanna also runs in the weekend On Saturday, Sanna departs at 8.30 from Holmön and 9.30 from Norrfjärden and on Sunday, Sanna departs at 9.30 from Holmön and 10.30 from Norrfjärden, as well as on both Saturday and Sunday, Sanna departs at 16.30 from Holmön and 17.30 from Norrfjärden.
Info from Holmö Summer theater Read more at Holmö summer theaters website
Running time for Sanna Sanna runs weekdays at 7.30 from Holmön and 8.30 from Norrfjärden as well as at 16.30 from Holmön and 17.30 from Norrfjärden. Tours will be cancelled if it is to windy, i.e., more than 7 m/s. Yesterday morning, for example, the tour was cancelled due to the wind.
Info from Holmö Summer theater Read more at Holmö summer theaters website
Sanna is now in Byviken All, who have automobiles, which no longer are in operation, on Holmön, are urged to take the opportunity to get these vihecles transported to the mainland, so we dont have a load of junk cars on Holmön.
Info from Postroddsföreningen (Mail rowing association) Read more at their website (in Swe)
Info from the Harbour Association Read more at their webpage (in Swe).
Ferry to ship yard On Friday morning 9/5 Helena Elisabeth will depart to Tenö Varv for annual maintenance. From Friday morning 9/5, Kungsholm will maintain the traffic. On Monday 12 May, Sanna is expected to arrive to keep up goods transports.
Changed day for the water stop UmEva announces that the planned stop in water supply has been postponed to 13/5 between 9-17. [Read more (in Swe)]
Info from the Harbour Association Read more at their webpage (in Swe).
Water stop UmEva announces that they will stop the water supply on Thursdag between 12-18. [Läs mer (in Swe)]
Walpurgis fire The Valpurgis fire will be in Byviken on the sand below Strandberget.
The recycling station opens On Saturday 3 May, the RS will open for the season. New this year is open hours every week accordning to a 4-week schedule Sat 10-13, Thu 17-19, Thu 17-19, Thu 17-19. Download PDF with open hours.
Memory notes On Second day Easter there was a public meeting at Prästgården about the future on Holmön. At the meeting, with over 60 attendants, the current and future status of the wind power project, the communications, the shop and Panget were presented. After that a public discussion followed and many took the chance to say their meaning. Here is a PDF with comprehensive notes (in Swe) from this meeting. 14-04-28 |
Found The lost small black backpack has been found. 14-04-24 |
Lost At the Easter Luncheon my small black backpack disapeared. It is written Oncology with small green letters on the back and there were a pair of black pants in it. If someone realise that they have a backpack too many please leave my at the shop. Thank you in advance! /Olle Nygren 14-04-20 |
Easter Luncheon The Easter Luncheon will be at the west side in Byviken close to The Mail Rowing boat house. Preparation between 12-13. We start at 13. 14-04-18 |
Info from the shop Changed business hours on Second day Easter. Open 14-16. Read more at the shop webpage (in Swe). 14-04-18 |
Info from Färjerederiet Quote from Färjerederiets website (in Swe) ---------------------------------------- Capella förbereds för trafik på Holmöleden
Målningen har gått bra och arbetena går enligt plan. När nu de yttre delarna börjar bli färdiga, är det dags att ställa passagerarsalongerna, brygga och maskinrum i skick. Det byggs en särskilt avpassat plats som passar för personer som reser med rullstol. Det kommer även att erbjudas en särskild salong för personer som reser med djur, vilket underlättar för allergiker. Parallellt med uppfräschningen införs ett nytt säkerhetssystem ombord. Capella som i många år gått i reguljär i finska farvatten, har god manöverduglighet i hög sjö och is. Det finns en säker motor och en fungerande slingerköl som stabiliserar vid sjögång. Färjerederiet lägger inom kort ut en upphandlingsförfrågan angående mätningar vid färjelägena på fastlandssidan och på Holmön. Avsikten är att förbättra angöringen för det nya fartyget. – Men även innan detta jobb och åtgärder för anpassningen är färdigställda, kommer vi att kunna trafikera med stöd av tillfälliga säkerhetslösningar, säger Hans Söderqvist. Hur blir det med trafiken på Holmöleden till sommaren? I maj ska nuvarande färja Helena Elisabeth in på varv för underhåll under en tvåveckorsperiod, och kommer då att ersättas med fartyget Sanna som lastbåt. Från den 10 maj och hela augusti kommer det ett ersättningsfartyg som kommer att bara ta passagerare.Vägfärjan Sanna kommer också att finnas på plats sommartid för att stödja med transporter. Rederiet räknar med att Capella kommer att finnas på plats på Holmöleden efter sommaren 2014. Under Capellas intrimningstid finns Helena Elisabeth på plats för att kunna assistera vid behov. I mars färdigställdes de yttre måleriarbetena. Nu är det dags att gå vidare med inredning och säkerhetsanordningar ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14-04-09 |
Info from the shop Business hours and times for alcohol order. Ad for summer workers. Read more at the shop webpage (in Swe). 14-04-09 |
Holmö Summer teather informs [Read more (in Swe)] 14-04-02 |
Public meeting regarding development On Second day of Easter 21 April, there will be a public meeting regarding development on Holmön. The meeting will be held at Prästgården and starts at 10.00. Coffee will be served. All intrested are welcome. [Read more (in Swe)] 14-04-02 |
Stop in water supply UmEva announces that there will be a stop in the water supply during the day on Tuesday 25 mars. [Read more (in Swe)]. 14-03-21 |
Stop in water supply UmEva announces that there will be a stop in the water supply during the day on Wednesday 12 mars. [Read more (in Swe)]. 14-03-11 |
Info from Garage Association Read more at their webpage. 14-03-10 |
The ferry in operation again The traffic has now been resumed, with slight delay, due to the ice. The tour now takes about 1 hour. 14-03-07 |
The ferry turns back The ice stops the ferry and we have to turn back to Norrfjärden. 14-03-06 |
The ice delays the ferry The ice close to Holmön is 15-20 cm thick and delays the ferry. The time is now 17:20 and the skipper believes it is possible to reach Holmön but it will take about yet another hour. 14-03-06 |
Info from the IS-group Read more at the IS-group webpage (in Swe). 14-03-01 |
School holiday and the kicksledge race Next week there is school holiday and on Tuesday 4/3 it is the kicksledge race. This year we will probably have to carry the kicksledge round the track. Start at 12 outside the school. Sign up and get number pads at the Vicar's Place (Prästgården). Liquid control at Lundströmsbacken. Afterwards there will be semlor, coffee and lemonade at Prästgården. Adults 30 kr, children free. Price cermony and raffles. An arrangement by Holmöns Red Cross section. 14-03-01 |
Info from the IS-group Statistics from the Holmön route. Pictures of Jurmo. Read more at the IS-group webpage (in Swe). 14-02-22 |
Info from Slitevind Raw data from the bird studies. Read more at Slitevinds webpage (in Swe). 14-02-02 |
Info from the shop Dwelling for the shop keeper. Read more at the shop webpage (in Swe). 14-01-29 |
Info from Slitevind Read more at Slitevinds webpage (in Swe). 14-01-26 |
Now the new ferry is at a ship yard Jurmo II or Capella, which is the new name, is now at Fridhems Shipyard in Lysekil. The is now on dry land for maintenance See picture. 14-01-21 |
Ice problems for the ferry After yesterdays evening tours, the first morning tours were cancelled to be able to run in daylight. The traffic could then be resumed addocding to scheule from the 11-tour from Holmön. 14-01-19 |
The Ice report starts for this season Now the ice growth has quickly started and it is time to begin the ice report. Read the ice report 14-01-19 |
Info from the IS-group Finnish ferry to the Holmön route. Read more at the IS-group webpage (in Swe). 14-01-14 |
Internet via satellite RB Communication AB and PunktR AB offers intenet via satellite. Prospect is available at the shop. Read more (in Swe) 14-01-12 |
Info from Slitevind Read more at Slitevinds webpage (in Swe). 14-01-12 |
Cancelled ferry tours Due to hard weather the ferry tours at 8.00 from Norrfjärden and 9.00 from Holmön as well as at 16.00 from Norrfjärden and 17.00 from Holmön are cancelled. The ferry tours at 18.00 from Norrfjärden and 19.00 from Holmön are expected to run as usual. 14-01-10 |
Info from the IS-group Read more at the IS-group webpage (in Swe). 14-01-08 |
Info about the recycling Station Read more at Daminas website (in Swe). 14-01-05 |
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